Hello again from Norway! I’m sure you’ll be relieved to hear that today’s blog will be a little less jam packed. 🙂

16YOG-LB-BLOG-1478Today was pretty mellow, and had a lot less going on. Logan, Greg, and I were all quite tired and jet lagged from traveling yesterday, so after sleeping in and grabbing breakfast we all fell asleep again. We all slept pretty much until it was time to get ready for practice, so after we made sure our hair and my makeup was prime for practice we took the bus ride to the Hamar Olympic Amphitheater.

It’s a nice quick ride through the town to get to the rink, and I was so delighted to see the arena for the first time! The outside is cool looking and wooden, but the inside is incredible. Our practice was on the main rink today and it went really well!

Although there were only about 15 people inside the huge arena and two teams on the ice, it felt really energetic and fun in there. Honestly, skating over the Olympic rings was a little bit surreal; I seriously couldn’t stop smiling which was a little bit wrong when we practiced our tango! I guess I tried to make my huge grin look more fierce than overjoyed.

After practice we stopped into the Athlete Rest Room which has ridiculously comfy bean bags in it (among other things, including great food). We came back to the hotel and after relaxing and getting changed it was already time to eat dinner, which was great again. I love eating dinner with athletes from so many countries, all just sitting throughout the room and talking in various languages. The night went by so fast, and I’m sad that it’s already flying by SO quickly!

Today was a true rest day, and after trying to make it to the Hamar flame ceremony but missing it, here I am in bed! I promise to make the most of every day from here on out, even though the sleep I caught up on today was very necessary.

Tomorrow will be an extremely exciting day, with two practices and the opening ceremony! Can’t wait to report back tomorrow.

Thank you for reading.

~ Chloe